Friday, January 7, 2011

Glorious Politics When Fundraising Trumps Responsiblity


  1. I agree with most of this but politicians will have to be really backed into a corner before any real change will take place. I don't think the founding fathers envisioned there would be enough wealth to actually "buy" a government. This disease has been with us since the very beginning it is that in the past most of this resulted in "good" being done. What the real problem is and I see it over and over again. People wanting to tear down what exists yet having no clear vision on what a government for the people and by the people would really look like. I think this may well be the reason we are so stuck with what we have presently!

  2. Fritters56 your comments are insightful and I think I would agree that the founding fathers did not envision what we are experiencing but money and its influence on our government/democracy has been an issue for 100 years to be sure.

    I'm working on the effects of Citizens United on Free Press. This research will give me a chance to lay out the history in greater detail.

    Thanks for your thoughtful insight.
