Friday, July 1, 2011
All We Want for Christmas is Our Two Front Teeth
By R.A. Monaco
June 30, 2011
Most Americans will remember the melody, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth, my two front teeth..." Well, going into the 2012 elections, mouthpieces for an ardent corporate plutocracy are likely to pour an obscene sum of money into telling the nation that, that's just too much to ask, especially if they're the front teeth of a progressive idea.
Nevertheless, I'm going to write my Christmas "wish list" and suggest that Americans, whether they celebrate Christmas or not, ask for some useful and meaningful gifts this election year, not just for themselves but for everyone of us. Let me start by asking for a grassroots rally of support to overturn Citizens United--the Supreme Court decision that constitutionalized corporate plutocracy. A ruling that perverted, in totality, the ideals of our democracy by permitting corporations to spend any amount they want on electioneering propaganda.
Add to my list, public funding for all elections--eliminating the inherent conflicts of interest that prospective and elected representatives can no longer ethically balance against the public's interests. Include a gift of free air time for political candidates as a public resource--which will help to neutralize the outlandish linguistic silencing of substantive claims and political discourse.
Please don't forget to put a heap of transparency on campaign funding, underneath where the Christmas tree once stood, that would reveal and shame those corporate CEOs who're perverting our democracy. And, if it's not too much to ask, generally bring America's elections back to the people. Oh, and if you can, throw in impeaching a Supreme Court justice or two--that would be just fine by me.
That certainly wasn't the longest list of wishes written over the years but, for Americans, it is a list that is far longer than we're likely to realize this side of the North Pole, absent a real grassroots campaign that focuses on seriously needed structural changes on campaign finance reform upon which our democracy now depends. That's right, depends. I'll explain.
Let's begin by talking about the truly dangerous mechanisms and linguistic strategies that are undermining truth and, in effect, silencing substantive debate and political discourse. At this moment, America is at the threshold of what will be a deluge of unlimited and unreported corporate spending strategically intended to finance what scholars refer to as Speech Act--the outlandish claims that will be made about public figures and progressive ideas intended only to undermine the public's trust so that nothing that is said can be taken at face value.
The significance of Speech Act politics as a tool can be illuminated by way of reflection from some brief moments in the 1952 presidential campaign between candidates Dwight Eisenhower and Adlai Stevenson. Louis Cowan, a television producer who later became President of CBS, was concerned about Stevenson's failure to adapt to the techniques of radio and television so he devised a strategy during the convention to flash the camera onto the three sons of Stevenson with the young Adlai agreeing to touch his father lightly on the back and say "Good luck, dad," to show something warm and that he was a family man. At the last minute, Cowan's conscience began to bother him and he told Stevenson about the plan. "Lou, old boy," said the first Democratic candidate for President in the television age, "we don't do things like that in our family."
On the other side of the campaign trail, Eisenhower was being tutored by young staff aid, David Schoenbrun, who was attempting to convince the General of the merits of radio he was asked, "Do you realize how frightening this really is?" Ike would question, "What's to stop a demagogue from taking over?" "Who's to set the limits on it?" "What are the controls?"
Clearly, their mutual concern was the possibility of dangerous people taking over these mediums and exploiting them. A concern that was accurately foreseen and fully realized to an even a darker extent, thanks to a divided 5-4 Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United case that ignored over a hundred years of precedent.
The very nature of Constitutional decisions are rooted in fundamental social concepts about liberty and property. They are. by definition, political. Now, when the Supreme Court decides the constitutionality of social policies their rulings are seen as partisan ideology which undermines the court's legitimacy. Particularly when Justices fail to respect the appearance of impropriety or make themselves accountable to a code of conduct as was once the practice and, always paramount to former Chief Justice Earl Warren.
While we might wish that pundits or politicians like Eric Cantor, John Boehner or Mitchell McConnell might engage in the reality of our political discourse, it seems few Americans have come to recognize and understand that's no longer possible or a reality. Their public posturing is not truly about making substantive claims but, rather, that they individually are playing a role of silencing--a linguistic strategy for stealing the voices of political discourse.
We've only to read the recent news reports about the debt ceiling deadline to see some clear examples. Most notably, for example, Eric Cantor who clearly used a premeditated speech act to oppose "anything the 'Kenyan socialist' president might propose" were his words repeated in the Washington Post, June 28th by line of Katrina venden Heuvel. By referring to our President as a "Kenyan socialist", Mr. Cantor revealed that his clear purpose was not to engage in a debate about truth. The more bizarre, improbable and twisted the innuendo, the more likely that his meaning will be misappropriated.
If we take more time to compare the news reports of Congressional Republicans with those of Democrats and the President we'll clearly see that Republicans continually refer to increasing taxes or new taxes as a component of the democratic proposal when what is really being proposed and discussed is ending tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. Those are not new techniques in the arsenal of political posturing. But what Americans hear is more taxes, more spending, again and again. Those are speech acts or linguistic tactics specifically intended to undermine truth in the debate.
John Boehner was quoted by the New York Times as saying, "The American people know tax hikes destroy jobs." More speech act tactics which are not about making substantive claims. They are clearly intended to dramatize the debate and undermine the political discourse. Does John Boehner's statement really mean that ending tax breaks for oil and gas companies, hedge funds and closing corporate tax loopholes is going to put even more of us out of work and further fuel wage deflation?
Mitch McConnell in a speech Wednesday said, "It's about whether Washington will ever be held accountable for its mistakes. That's why Republicans refuse to let the taxpayers take the hit when it comes to reducing the debt." Is there really truth in that debate? Which taxpayers is he really talking about--the corporations who will fund his campaign and those whose tax rate is lower than the guy outside mowing the lawn? Insincerity is another form of speech act. What Americans need to understand is that its true purpose serves solely to silence truth and the voices of reasoned debate.
If the President and Congressional Democrats are repeatedly called irresponsible by corporations who can spend any amount they want on electioneering propaganda coordinated in step with the likes of the House Speaker, House Majority Leader and Senate Minority Leader, then voters will be less willing to believe anything being said by the President or Congressional Democrats.
On the other hand, by trying to protect all federal spending except defense, Congressional Democrats are guaranteeing that many of their most important plans will be in jeopardy. Programs that award college scholarships, finance the National Weather Service and medical research, and improve food safety, for example.
The challenge for individual Americans over the months to follow is seeing through the deceptive agendas and the secretly financed campaign fronts whose funding comes by way of executive expropriation of corporate shareholders money that is being spent, usually without their consent, to make negative and false attacks and not to engage in honest political debate.
It surely is being argued and insisted that Democrats, too, are free to spend unlimited amounts in secretly funded campaign strategies and therefore elections are on a fair and level playing field. But the democratic system becomes far too weighted by the access to unfathomable corporate treasuries which Conservatives are able draw upon and the fact that progressives don't believe in clandestine campaign funding.
There is a mountain to be climbed which voters are unlikely to fully appreciate and which the President needed to make more clear, which is, that even in the financial straits in which the country currently finds itself, more help for the economy is still needed. Specifically, political support is needed to extend a reduction for payroll taxes and provide loans for infrastructure which has the benefit of providing an important exponential return benefit. The President's reminder that our economic recovery will take time doesn't fully drive home the fact that the broader measure of unemployment is almost 20 percent depending on which segment of the population or region of the country is measured.
The true measure of the success of the stimulus is not the actual level of unemployment, but what unemployment would have been without the stimulus. According to Nobel Prize winning economist, Joseph E. Stiglitz, all evidence showed that the stimulus had made things better. In his opinion, the benefits of the stimulus are so strong that it outweighs the longer-term risks of indebtedness increases and higher interest demands of creditors which is why the debt ceiling debate is such an irresponsible Republican ploy.
It becomes very hard to argue against the conclusion that Republicans have moved from merely rooting for a bad economy to actively committing to making it worse when one thinks carefully about how irresponsible the threat to blow up the economy over the debt limit truly is.
Try to think in these terms as you work through the bizarre political dialogue on the economy--if another round of stimulus money were spent on investments, those adverse effects of concern are less likely to occur because markets should realize that the United States is actually in a stronger economic position as a result of the additional stimulus, not a weaker position. If the stimulus spending is for investment, then the asset side of the nation's balance sheet increases in tandem with the liabilities and there is no reason for lenders to be worried, and no reason for an increase in interests rates.
The big issue raised last year by economist Joseph Stiglitz, who believed that the initial stimulus was insufficiently strong enough, was whether the government would continue to provide a stimulus should the economy fail to achieve a robust recovery after its first dose of medicine, as is the current state of our economy?
Americans need to add to their Christmas "wish list" a second dose of stimulus funding and open our eyes to the irresponsible partisan agenda of the deficit hawks in Congress urging a cutback in government spending until our economy returns to and maintains stronger growth. The interests and voices of the public must not fall silent to extremist ideology and a vengeful partisanship agenda. We can each remain true to our political affiliations, republicans and democrats alike, and fix what is wrong with our democracy by granting ourselves the grassroots support to make election reform and the changes needed part of our list of wishes for restored democracy.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Your Last Dime The Credit Industry “Perception of Others" Campaign
By: R.A. Monaco
May 18, 2011
When it comes to the subject of bankruptcy, perceptions matter to troubled debtors far more than reflected in public debate. A common argument heard by credit industry lobbyists centers on dogmatic concerns of moral slackness that causes people, who they claim can repay their debts, to seek the supposed, “too-easy” protection of bankruptcy.
Credit industry public relations campaigns over the past decade have aimed at driving home a self serving moral message that is exploitive and completely unsympathetic to families with dying children, years of underemployment and joblessness. By making credit available to those in terrible financial distresses their message is clear, no need to face the horrors of bankruptcy, just refinance your way back to economic security. The rise in debt management plans and other borrow-to-repay schemes is solid evidence that the industry continues to exploit those already in financial trouble.
According to the Stanford University Law Review, when it comes to bankruptcy, it is unlikely that Americans feel less shame today than in the past. Perhaps modern Americans have read about public figures like Kim Basinger, the rock group TLC, former Texas Governor John Connally and most recently, Ruben Hinojosa, a Texas congressman that serves on the House Financial Services Committee who last week filed for bankruptcy. Apparently however, dozens of celebrity examples have not changed the perceived shame factor enough to help many who are most in need.
Too many financially troubled debtors unnecessarily decide not to seek the relief they are entitled to under the bankruptcy code. Many suffer depression and unwarranted distresses from the financial pressure that results. Far more often than realized, troubled debtor's reasons for not seeking bankruptcy protection are concealed and rarely articulated.
A recent assessment according, to Gallup, shows that Americans current attitudes are more downbeat overall than in February 2008. Moreover, that one in four that are unemployed are in financial distress. The stigma, embarrassment and concerns about the likelihood that a bankruptcy filing would become known to at least some family members, co-workers, friends and neighbors is affecting the health of many. Data from a recent university study shows that bankrupt debtors and their families are in more financial trouble than their counterparts of ten or twenty years ago. Worse, the data suggests that families may be more reluctant to consider bankruptcy than ever before.
The alternative is to learn what your real options are through a discrete legal evaluation. A decision that can empower your choice, clarify options, and reduce the stresses that are far too often unnecessary and undeserved.
borrow to pay,
social policy,
Thirdcloud Media
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Here’s Why Republicans Will Shut Down The Government
By Randell A. Monaco
February 23, 2011
In need of a strategy to rehabilitate their party from the economic disaster that has allowed Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, their associates in the Bush Administration government such as the Federal Reserve and others who let all this go on and enabled the disaster, Republicans needed to re-craft their image.
A purification strategy was needed to create the appearance of veering from the responsibility of Bush legacy which made that all possible. Conservatives also needed to reenergize their base and switch the public attention away from the real cause and people who are actually responsible. So, now it is teachers, police, firefighters, sanitation workers and their unions who have become the villains with their Rolls Royce healthcare benefits and pensions. The Big Government – Small Government debate continues with the assistance of a new diversionary tactic.
To overcome any suspicion that party leadership was not going to deliver on their promise to deliver major spending cuts to the public who supported them Republicans must now deal with the reality that they can’t enact their agenda because Democrats control the Senate and the White House. To save face, Republican leaders must dramatize their fight to carry out the promised agenda which leaves them no room to come out with a compromise.
Republican leaders have openly declared their hostility to compromise because they know that their support base, unlike moderates or even liberal Democrats, oppose compromise and as a matter of self interest and preservation the writing is on the wall, Republican’s will shut down the Government. Keep your eye on the political ball, here comes the shutdown; Tea anyone?
spending cuts
Thursday, February 3, 2011
WikiLeaks: The Inside Story Part II
Watch live streaming video from columbiajournalism at
Watch Editors Bill Keller, of The New York Times, and The Guardian’s Alan Rusbridger discuss their interactions with WikiLeak’s Julian Assange and the decision to publish the secret diplomatic cables he uncovered. Jack Goldsmith, a Harvard Law School professor and former assistant attorney general, joined this conversation moderated by Emily Bell, director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School.
WikiLeaks: The Inside Story
Watch live streaming video from columbiajournalism at
Watch Editors Bill Keller, of The New York Times, and The Guardian’s Alan Rusbridger discuss their interactions with WikiLeak’s Julian Assange and the decision to publish the secret diplomatic cables he uncovered. Jack Goldsmith, a Harvard Law School professor and former assistant attorney general, joined this conversation moderated by Emily Bell, director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School.
Journalism School Dean Nicholas Lemann kicked off this highly anticipated event held at 7 p.m. on the Columbia University campus.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
WikiLeaks Founder Assange Tells 60 Minutes: "Our Values Are Those Of The U.S. Revolution
Erick Schonfeld
In an interview with 60 Minutes, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange compares his values to those of the Founding Fathers of the United States and argues that he is actually playing “inside the rules.” He defends his actions by leaning heavily on the First Amendment, stating that “our founding values are those of the U.S. revolution.”
On the possibility of facing prosecution in the U.S. for leaking sensitive diplomatic cables and military documents, he argues: “There’s been no precedent that I’m aware of in the past 50 years of prosecuting a publisher for espionage. It is just not done. Those are the rules. You do not do it.”
Both the U.S. Justice Department and the Pentagon are conducting a criminal investigation against Assange and WikiLeaks, but if WikiLEaks is charged with a crime for publishing classified documents, it begs the question of whether other publishers such as the New York Times (which also published part of the documents) could also be prosecuted. Of course, the U.S. government is not currently going after the New York Times. It is going after WikiLeaks. But Assange makes the case that should not be tolerated:
If we’re talking about creating threats to small publishers to stop them publishing, the U.S. has lost its way. It has abrogated its founding traditions. It has thrown the First Amendment in the bin. Because publishers must be free to publish.
On whether WikiLeaks is anti-American:
Kroft: There’s a perception on the part of some people who believe that your agenda right now is anti-American.
Assange: Not at all. In fact, our founding values are those of the U.S. revolution. They are those of the people like Jefferson and Madison. And we have a number of Americans in our organization. If you’re a whistleblower and you have material that is important, we will accept it, we will defend you and we will publish it. You can’t turn away material simply because it comes from the United States.
On whether WikiLeaks is playing outside the rules:
Kroft: You’re shocked? Someone in the Australian government said that, “Look, if you play outside the rules you can’t expect to be protected by the rules.” And you played outside the rules. You’ve played outside the United States’ rules.
Assange: No. We’ve actually played inside the rules. We didn’t go out to get the material. We operated just like any U.S. publisher operates. We didn’t play outside the rules. We played inside the rules.
Kroft: There’s a special set of rules in the United States for disclosing classified information. There is longstanding
Assange: There’s a special set of rules for soldiers. For members of the State Department, who are disclosing classified information. There’s not a special set of rules for publishers to disclose classified information. There is the First Amendment. It covers the case. And there’s been no precedent that I’m aware of in the past 50 years of prosecuting a publisher for espionage. It is just not done. Those are the rules. You do not do it.
On setting a dangerous precedent for future leaks:
Kroft: There are people that believe that it has everything to do with the next threat. That if they don’t come after you now that what they have done is essentially endorsed small, powerful organization with access to very powerful information releasing it outside their control. And if they let you get away it, then they are encouraging…
Assange: Then what? They will have to have freedom of the press?
Kroft: That it’s encouragement to you…
Assange: And? And?
Kroft: …or to some other organization?
Assange: And to every other publisher. Absolutely correct. It will be encouragement to every other publisher to publish fearlessly. That’s what it will encourage.
Kroft: To publish information much more dangerous than this information.
Assange: If we’re talking about creating threats to small publishers to stop them publishing, the U.S. has lost its way. It has abrogated its founding traditions. It has thrown the First Amendment in the bin. Because publishers must be free to publish.
On being an activist:
Kroft: It’s a dirty word. And people think that what you’re trying to do is to sabotage the workings of government.
Assange: No. We’re not that type of activists. We are free press activists. It’s not about saving the whales. It’s about giving people the information they need to support whaling or not support whaling. Why? That is the raw ingredients that is needed to make a just and civil society. And without that you’re just sailing in the dark.
Erick Schonfeld
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Watch Stiglitz: U.S. Economy Actually Needs More Spending
The U.S. needs smarter spending to climb out of the economic recession, says Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz.
"The real problem is the way we're spending money not the amount we're spending," he told told CNBC in an interview at Davos. "What we really need to do is actually increase our spending on investments ... and cut back our spending on weapons that don't work against enemies that don't exist, wars that we're going to lose in any case" Stiglitz said."Let's focus on strengthening our economy."
Stiglitz's plan is to spend on investments that will stimulate growth -- a could begin to reduce the deficit.
"The real problem is the way we're spending money not the amount we're spending," he told told CNBC in an interview at Davos. "What we really need to do is actually increase our spending on investments ... and cut back our spending on weapons that don't work against enemies that don't exist, wars that we're going to lose in any case" Stiglitz said."Let's focus on strengthening our economy."
Stiglitz's plan is to spend on investments that will stimulate growth -- a could begin to reduce the deficit.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
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