Tuesday, August 3, 2010

McConnell becomes the highest-ranking Republican figure to call for examining the reach of the 14th amendment. On Sunday, his chief deputy, Sen. John

MITCH MCCONNELL WANTS HEARINGS ON 14TH AMENDMENT - Sam Stein: "Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) officially supports a review of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which grants children of undocumented immigrants status as U.S. citizens, his office confirmed to the Huffington Post on Monday. A spokesman said that the Kentucky Republican believes that 'we should hold hearings' on the matter. McConnell had not previously commented on the issue before, the spokesman confirmed.


  1. "Today Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell visited the Reuters bureau in DC and argued there was no shame in saying no," according to Reuters' new daily tipsheet Washington Extra. "Republicans, he said, will be campaigning against many of the policies enacted by President Barack Obama, including healthcare reform, higher spending, bailouts and greater government intervention in the economy, things the party was 'proud' to say no to. 'It depends on what you are saying 'no' to,' McConnell told Reuters...

  2. McConnell admitted repealing all of the president's policies would be tough as long as Obama remained in the White House, and added Republicans would be coming up with their own, more constructive ideas by the end of September.
