Tuesday, June 15, 2010

White House 2009

White House Video

Cloudforce 2010 - June 22, 2010

Election Reform Constitutional Convention

I agree with Lessig, I too am suprised that the ACLU would take a stand against openning a convention and forum for discussions on Election Reform. I also agree that there was nothing in the original Constitution that said anything about the liberty of corporations which is a grave disappointment in the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United.
On the other hand, I do understand that it is the knee jerk reaction of all attorney's who actually consider constitutional issues daily to avoid constitutional amendment at almost any cost. This is reflected by the fact that there are relatively few contitutional amendments in our history. All be it some are very very significant.
Perhaps we could work to better define and understand the nature and scope of the proposed Convention, why changes are need, and a dialogue about why public confidence in our political system make apathy seam a justified and reasonable.
I support Lessig's quest for a dialogue on these subjects. I don't purport to know the answers, but I do believe that this dialogue is worth the effort which apparently again puts me at odds with the ACLU. Again another suprise!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Amendments" to the United States constitution.

Our Constitution was not made for lawyers. It was not to be trusted exclusively to judges. Yet somehow we have allowed a professional class of "civil libertarians" and judges to claim to themselves alone the right to say what our fundamental law should be. This is not just contrary to American traditions. It is destructive of democracy. The "Right of the People to alter" their government, as the Declaration of Independence declares, is "unalienable," and even if it's not, we certainly never alienated it to judges, or Congress alone.




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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Study Proves Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives

Sunlight Foundation : Making Government Transparent

Lawrence Lessig: Real Change Starts With Election Reform

Lec 4 | MIT 6.912 Introduction to Copyright Law

Lec 3 | MIT 6.912 Introduction to Copyright Law

Lec 2 | MIT 6.912 Introduction to Copyright Law

Lec 1 | MIT 6.912 Introduction to Copyright Law

How To Copyright An Idea

Do Copyright Laws Stifle Creativity? - Lawrence Lessig

Can the Internet Save Civilization? Seriously

Stephen Breyer - The Supreme Court During Wartime

Hon. Stephen Breyer, U.S Supreme Court interview ( Prt 1 )

Obama Looking To Kick Ass

Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Consent 3 of 9

Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Consent 2 of 9

Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Consent 1 of 9

Noam Chomsky versus young conservative

Noam Chomsky 1 - March 15, 2010 Democracy NOW!

credit rating agencies

If You Own A Home You Will Lose It

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Meet and Confer

Meet and Confer

Discussions on how and whether New Media can restore ethics and create accountability in commerce and government.